About Us

We Riya Associates has registered office in Mumbai and to be  licensed as Customs Broker (Custom House Agent ,CHA NO. 11/2281) with wide experience. We provide comprehensive and customized Customs Clearance /services; we handle your shipments at every stage of Customs Clearance procedures. Our highly experienced operations personnel have complete know-how of all customs laws, regulations, procedures and tariffs and are well known for their prompt and quality services.

The complex procedure of Customs Clearance in India makes it a daunting task to accomplish. With our sound knowledge and vast experience in Customs Clearance, we guide you at every step of the way and ensure complete Customs Compliance. We strive to ensure that all your shipments are accorded top priority at all times. Our team of highly experienced operations personnel ensures that your goods pass through the Customs in minimum possible time and are delivered to you within the scheduled timelines.

It is our business to ensure that our clients benefit from all the special provisions made by Govt. of India For Exporting Companies. At Ship Air we are always eager to assist enterprising Exporters who wish to avail these advantages, guiding them through the labyrinth of Customs Procedures involved in getting these Export benefits through Customs / DGFT. We can assist you in preparing your export shipment and can clearly explain all procedures that must be followed. Our people at Ports are experts in satisfying and meeting requirements of every concerned authority.

We provide several key storage and transport services from which we can create effective logistics solutions designed to tackle any logistical needs.

Our Mission is to provide complete EXIM solutions to our clients. We take particular care to build relationships with our customers by providing personalised service assuring peace of mind and confidence that your cargo will be handled efficiently and professionally. Whether its import or export, by sea, air or land, we work with you to deliver on time.

Quick Contact

Contact Person Name:
Mr. Vijay Londhe: +91 8291871721
Email: import@riyaassociates.co.in

114 / 116 Desai Market Building , 3rd floor , Room No 5 , Modi street, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001

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